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5 Grooming Tips That Can Apply As Life Lessons

We’re all familiar with the 5Cs that men are pressured to have to be called “successful”—career, cash, car, condo, and credibility. Although at some level these things are important, you should never forget there is more to life that pursing these worldly desires. Being a man is hard, and it’s especially harder to always be on top of your game. There’s a constant need to be ready and to always look the part. How can one man manage so much?

Well men, did you know you can find a solution to all these worries simply by following Men’s Skin Centres’ improvised 5Cs? Not only does our 5Cs apply to personal grooming, our 5Cs are also great to apply in regard to real-life situations!


Man washing his face

Personal Grooming: Always remember to cleanse your face before & after you confront the hustle & bustle. It’s important to keep your skin clean & clear whether it’s to make a good impression or to calling it a day. Fight the dirt and oil that accumulate deep into your skin—this is the first step to achieving better personal grooming!

Real-life Application: Cleansing does not only apply to hygiene. To be able to live a better life, you have to cleanse yourself of the toxicity brought about by bad company. Do you feel you have been inching away from yourself and acquiring bad habits? It’s time you distance yourself from the toxic people in your life. Cleanse your social circle!


Personal Grooming: Our skin (whichever type) could go haywire on us at any time. Learn to control your pH balance, sebum, and breakouts by using toners and scrubs. Toners are great because they do not only restore the pH balance of our skin, but it also allows you to control sebum that result to breakouts. Scrubs help shed off dead skin cells that gives the skin a brighter appearance while also eliminating blackheads and whiteheads.

Real-life Application: We can’t control external forces in our lives however; we can control our response to them. Don’t act on impulse, keep your cool and respond wisely to situations. Be the man that takes control of his life.


Man putting cream on his face

Personal Grooming: How do you expect to look your best when you don’t take care of yourself? Taking care of our skin is simple. Aside from cleansing and controlling (sebum and breakouts), we should also moisturize to keep it hydrated. Remember, if you have oily skin you STILL have to apply moisturize because the face tend to produce more sebum (which doesn’t necessarily hydrate) when left dehydrated. Aside from this, don’t forget to maintain proper hygiene, exercise, diet and a healthy mind!

Real-life Application: Apart from the care you put into yourself, you must also take care of your relationships. With a busy life, it is hard to maintain contact to most of your loved ones, but always find the time to do so. This is because at the end of the day, nothing is better than coming home with people that accepts you, cares for you and loves you for who you are.


Personal Grooming: Trim your stubble and bush! It’s repulsive to see hair growing about on your skin disheveled. Trim them properly and always look your best!

Real-life Application: Trim bad habits! If you want to live longer and happier, you should trim the vices. Ultimately, it’s not going to be good for you and it may take a toll on your relationships. You should explore new hobbies instead that would allow you to live life to the fullest.


Personal Grooming: In everything, consistency is key to success. If you are adamant to achieving better grooming habits, you must be able to do them routinely. Most grooming practices, especially the ones that involve skin care, are only effective if done on a regular basis. Make personal grooming a part of your lifestyle.

Real-life Experiences: Everyone makes mistakes that are what makes us human. There are certainly things we regret in our lives, but the ability to continue on with our lives, and the ability to stand back up to these bitter experiences are what makes us the man that we truly are.